
Showing posts from February, 2013

Doggy Styling

Brian and Sookie with their Dad My husband and I recently dramatically changed our lives, we got two gorgeous Shitzu/Maltese puppies. So this post is inspired by these cute, fluffy creatures. As soon as you own a dog, you enter this interesting doggy dog world of potty training, chew toys, barking, fleas, worms, the list goes on... Dogs are no longer just pets but more a part of the family so its important to integrate them into your lifestyle so they enhance your life and don't add extra stress. One of the biggest challenges is to keep our home tidy and stylish, not overrun with doggy stuff and most importantly not smell! So I thought I'd share some ideas on how to incorporate dogs into your life in a stylish way. Re-purpose an old suitcase(big or small) for a dog bed. Looks so sweet and also has pockets to keep their toys. It's so important to give them lots of toys to ensure they have plenty of options to distract them from your shoes. Image courtesy of D

Painted by hand

Olivia Palermo in a handpainted skirt.  Image by Th ere is something so unique and striking about handpainted fabrics for the home or the body.  This week we pay homage to this seasons style must-have by selecting a few inspiring garments and homewares that really showcase this trend. Handpainted Maxi dresses are truly eye catching: above and below - images by  and W ho doesn't want to stand out in a crowd and in this day and age individuality is very much in-vogue.  As a lover of crafts and DIY I admire any and all things that have a real 'made with love' feel to them. Bluebelle Gray creates amazing handpainted fabrics and pieces for the home.  How fresh and inviting is the couch covered in handpainted sunflowers!  Below are just some handpicked and handpainted furnishings for the home that I hope will inspire your creative juices Midnight Spirographs painting by Sarah Stockstill Handpainted desk from