
Showing posts from January, 2013

Malaysia Truly Asia

Photos from our trip to Malaysia - Myself dressed in a traditional Malaysian outfit and a pic of our historic accommodation in Melaka - The Baba House Erena and I recently traveled to Malaysia for our friends birthday celebrations and got to experience all the wonderful things the country had to offer. The most memorable part of the trip for me was the fantastic food, in particular being able to experience the original Nonya Chicken dish in its birth place of Melaka. We ate at the Riverine Coffeehouse which I can highly recommend! This seaside port city has an authentically traditional feel and walking the streets you can easily imagine how it would have been a hundred years earlier. Melaka has been colonized by so many different nations (Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese to name a few) that it has resulted in a very unique mix of food, fashion and architecture. We also spent a lot of time in Kuala Lumpur, by contrast it is a huge and bustling modern city. I found there to be an interestin

All for the love of Paisley

Image: I think Paisley is one of those prints that can divide an audience.  You either love it, sit on the fence about it or hate it and clearly I am NOT in the latter so cover your eyes paisley haters! paisley wood stamp from I love the intricacy of Paisley. To me it has a real historic and delicate feel to it which I just adore. Paisley Porcelain by Ralph Lauren from It makes for a versatile and intriguing aesthetic for instance when it is done in bright tones it can really 'make' a perfect summer outfit pop!   Bright red paisley lifts this ensemble by And in lighter spaces in the home it can feel luxurious and add interest to an otherwise neutral space Like a little black dress a great paisley number never dates Eternally hip!  A great paisley dress. Image Here's a tip for the home or the body.  Keep the print to scale.  If you are a petite wee lass go for a small to medium ranged paisley pr

New Year�s resolutions for your home and wardrobe

Image courtesy of Chic Little Poor Girl The New Year is a great time to re-calibrate, wipe the slate clean and for many set new goals and garner some momentum and excitement about what this fresh start can bring. It is also a great time to think about your priorities in life and adjust your belongings to reflect that. I must admit that this post is also inspired by a recent move to a smaller house. Not just a smaller house but a much smaller closet, eeeek! That means that I have to seriously reduce the amount of clothing I own while simultaneously try to increase the storage space we have. I guess I could store stuff in boxes or vacuum packed bags and put them in the basement, but I actually would prefer to reduce my wardrobe and take more of a minimalist approach to my clothing choices. I know purging can be very difficult and heart wrenching for some who struggle to let go of stuff, especially if there is some sentimental connection to it. We've done a similar post recently abou